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Interpretation ID: aiam2868
Mr. James Tydings, Specifications Engineer, Thomas Built Buses, Inc., P.O. Box 2450, High Point, NC 27261;
Mr. James Tydings
Specifications Engineer
Thomas Built Buses
P.O. Box 2450
High Point
NC 27261;
Specifications Engineer
Thomas Built Buses
P.O. Box 2450
High Point
NC 27261;
Dear Mr. Tydings: This responds to your August 25, 1978, letter asking what the ter 'normal nighttime illumination' means in Standard No. 217, *Bus Window Retention and Release*.; The term 'normal nighttime illumination' is found in paragraph S5.5. of the standard. This section requires that all interior exit instructions be legible when the only source of light is the normal nighttime illumination of the vehicle. The term, as used in this paragraph, means that exit instructions must be visible with the normal interior vehicle lighting that is in use when the bus is moving. Interior vehicle lighting may include, for example, reading lamps and overhead lights.; Sincerely, Joseph J. Levin, Jr., Chief Counsel