Search Interpretations
Interpretation ID: aiam0052
Mr. Warren M. Heath, Commander, Engineering Section, Department of California Highway Patrol, Post Office Box 898, Sacramento, CA 95804;
Mr. Warren M. Heath
Engineering Section
Department of California Highway Patrol
Post Office Box 898
CA 95804;
Engineering Section
Department of California Highway Patrol
Post Office Box 898
CA 95804;
Dear Mr. Heath: This is in reply to your letters of February 15 and March 8, 1968 concerning application of Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standard Number 205.; Glazing materials used in campers, pickup canopies, and covers mus conform to the requirements of Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standard Number 205.; I am enclosing a copy of FHWA Ruling 68-1 published in the *Federa Register*, Volume 33, Number 59 on March 26, 1968, and a copy of the Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards (with Amendments and Interpretations through February 15, 1968).; Sincerely, William H. Risteen, Office of Standards on Crash-Injur Reduction, Motor Vehicle Safety Performance Service;