Interpretation ID: aiam2628
Bankhead Enterprises
1600 Ellsworth Industrial Drive
GA 30318;
Dear Mr. Taylor: This responds to your June 7, 1977, question whether the traile portion of an auto transporter must comply with Standard No. 121, *Air Brake Systems*, if it is manufactured after the current September 1, 1977, termination date for the exclusion of auto transporters from the standard.; As stated in a telephone conversation between you and Mr. Herlihy o this office, the current exclusion for auto transporters terminates September 1, 1977, and either portion of an auto transporter manufactured after that date must comply. Recently, the NHTSA proposed extension of the auto transporter exclusion from September 1, 1977, to January 1, 1979 (copy of proposal enclosed). The comment closing period ended July 11, 1977, and the agency hopes to reach a decision on the proposal in the near future.; Sincerely, Joseph J. Levin, Jr., Chief Counsel