Interpretation ID: aiam1264
JCB Plastics
655 Garrison Road
Fort Erie
Dear Mr. Barford: This is in reply to your letter of August 22, 1973, asking whether th American National Standards Institute (ANSI) Standard Z90.1-1971 will apply to the manufacture of helmets until the March 1, 1974 effective date of Standard No. 218, 'Motorcycle Helmets.'; The Z90.1-1971 Standard is not a Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standar and, therefore, could only apply to helmets manufactured or sold in those States that have adopted it, and then only until the effective date of the Federal standard. For information regarding Ontario's requirements for the manufacture of helmets, I suggest you contact the Ontario Bureau of Motor Vehicles. As you indicate, any U.S. State or local requirements for the design or performance of motorcycle helmets, that have a bearing on safety, will have to be identical to the requirements of the Federal standard when it becomes effective.; I have enclosed a copy of Standard No. 218 pursuant to your request. Yours Truly, Richard B. Dyson, Assistant Chief Counsel