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Interpretation ID: aiam3131

Mr. Roger E. Maugh, Director, Automotive Safety Office, Ford Motor Company, The American Road, Dearborn, MI 48121; Mr. Roger E. Maugh
Automotive Safety Office
Ford Motor Company
The American Road
MI 48121;

Dear Mr. Maugh: Re: Distribution of Imported Vehicles Brought Into Conformity Wit Applicable Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards; This is in reply to Mr. Eckhold's letter of September 28, 1979, to Mr Vinson of this office asking for our concurrence in Ford's wish to sell 60 1978 model Ford Fiestas on the American market.; According to Mr. Eckhold's letter, 56 of the cars did not comply wit the Federal motor vehicle safety standards at the time they entered the United States for use by Ford in testing and training programs. Ford represents that all these have now been brought into compliance. The four remaining Fiestas conformed at the time of entry but, presumably, because of the execution of the HS-7 importation form, were not certified.; We concur with Ford's opinion that all conforming vehicles may now b sold in the United States. However, since such sales are to first purchasers for purposes other than resale, a certification label must be attached to each that meets the requirements of 49 CFR Part 567.; Sincerely, Frank Berndt, Chief Counsel