The NHTSA Vehicle Crash Test Database contains engineering data measured during various types of research, the New Car Assessment Program (NCAP), and compliance crash tests. Information in this database refers to the performance and response of vehicles and other structures in impacts. This database is not intended to support general consumer safety issues. For general consumer information please see the NHTSA's information on buying a safer car.
Original high-speed films for earlier tests may be available through the National Archives
The NHTSA Biomechanics Test Database is a repository of experimental data used by NHTSA for developing Anthropomophic Test Devices and associated Injury Criteria. The data is disseminated via this website for use by academia, the automotive industry, and the public to improve the safety of automobiles and reduce death and injuries on our nations highway. Because of the nature of the testing, the applicability of the data extends far beyond auto safety, and may be useful for those in the sports medicine, space travel, aircraft, military or any activity where the human body is exposed impact.
Original high-speed films for earlier tests may be available through the National Archives
The NHTSA Component Test Database contains engineering data measured during various types of research.
Original high-speed films for earlier tests may be available through the National Archives
The NHTSA R&D software includes three categories:
- Application for submitted-data entry and validations, EntréeV5, as well as its referencing portable Microsoft Access Database, NCodes.mdb. EntréeV5 is utilized to recognize the data format defined in “NHTSA Test Reference Guides”. Note: the latest EntréeV5 includes curve checking and collision warning data entry and validations; and NCodes.mdb includes many new car models.
- Applications for injury analysis with respect to data file entries are packaged in VSRsoftware.msi
- Applications for Injury analysis with respect to remote-access to R&D database are packaged in VSR_RDDBsoftware.msi
Please note: Operating system required: 32-bit Microsoft Window 7 professional and up; 32-bit Window 7 Enterprise is recommended/preferred. At this time, the software is known to not operate on Windows 64 bit operating systems. We are working on an upgrade and will update this page when it is available.
- Entree for Windows
- NHTSA Test Reference Guides
- Signal Analysis Software for Windows
- NHTSA Tools (Fortran)
- FMVSS No. 126 Electronic Stability Control Systems
- Introduction & Use Guide
- MATLAB Routines (.zip file)
These crash simulation models were developed to support various research programs. While these models can be used for a range of safety evaluations, they have only been validated for specific crash conditions.