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This measure is unlikely to be effective in reducing crashes without comprehensive and sustained efforts to improve the cycling environment.

A review of the effects of bicycle training programs on adults found that only a few studies of mixed quality existed, and none of them examined the safety benefits of these programs (Sersli et al., 2019). Nachman and Rodriguez’s (2019) evaluation of adult classroom-based bicycle education reinforces past findings that adult bicycling education can influence self-perception and knowledge of the rules of riding a bicycle on public roads, but the study did not evaluate the connection to safety.

Several bicycle groups offer bicycle education to adults (and youth) including both classroom and on-bicycle training to help cyclists of varying levels enhance their knowledge of traffic laws and rules of the road and skills to ride safely and more comfortably in traffic. The oldest and most well-known is the League of American Bicyclists (LAB, n.d.-b).