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AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety. (2018). 2017 Traffic safety culture index.

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Adamos, G., Nathanail, E. G., & Kapetanopoulou, P. (2013). Do road safety communication campaigns work? How to assess the impact of a national fatigue campaign on driving behavior. Transportation Research Record: The Journal of the Transportation Research Board2364(1), 62–70.

Adamos, G., & Nathanail, E. (2019). Testing the effectiveness of objective and subjective predictors of driving behavior under fatigue. Transportation Research Record: The Journal of the Transportation Research Board, 2673(8), 343-352.

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Bin-Hasan, S., Kapur, K., Rakesh, K., & Owens, J. (2020). School start time change and motor vehicle crashes in adolescent drivers. Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine: JCSM: Official Publication of the American Academy of Sleep Medicine16(3), 371–376.

Bioulac, S., Micoulaud-Franchi, J.-A., Arnaud, M., Sagaspe, P., Moore, N., Salvo, F., & Philip, P. (2017). Risk of motor vehicle accidents related to sleepiness at the wheel: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Sleep40(10).

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Brown, T., Lee, J., Schwarz, C., Fiorentino, D., & McDonald, A. (2014). Assessing the feasibility of vehicle-based sensors to detect drowsy driving (Report No. DOT HS 811 886). National Highway Traffic Safety Administration.

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Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration. (2015). Electronic logging devices and hours of service supporting documents, 49 CFR Parts 385, 386, 390, 395. Federal Register, 80(241), 78292–78416.

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Fischer, P. (2016). Wake up call! Understanding drowsy driving and what States can do. Governors Highway Safety Association.

Foss, R. D., Smith, R. L., & O’Brien, N. P. (2019). School start times and teenage driver motor vehicle crashes. Accident Analysis and Prevention126, 54–63.

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Higgins, J. S., Michael, J., Austin, R., Åkerstedt, T., Van Dongen, H. P. A., Watson, N., Czeisler, C., Pack, A. I., & Rosekind, M. R. (2017). Asleep at the wheel-The road to addressing drowsy driving. Sleep40(2).

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Patterson, P. D., Higgins, J. S., Van Dongen, H. P. A., Buysse, D. J., Thackery, R. W., Kupas, D. F., Becker, D. S., Dean, B. E., Lindbeck, G. H., Guyette, F. X., Penner, J. H., Violanti, J. M., Lang, E. S., & Martin-Gill, C. (2018). Evidence-based guidelines for fatigue risk management in Emergency Medical Services. Prehospital Emergency Care22(sup1), 89–101.

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