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This countermeasure involves conducting educational campaigns targeted at new students and staff that may be unfamiliar with walking and driving in the campus environment. A university campus may offer an opportune setting to reach a well-defined target audience of drivers and pedestrians about the risks of unsafe behaviors. Potential educational messages include right-of-way rules and the importance of yielding right-of-way (pedestrians, bicyclists, and drivers), being visible and predictable at both day and night times and during inclement weather (pedestrians and bicyclists), avoiding distractions (pedestrians, bicyclists, and drivers), and speed control (drivers and potentially bicyclists). Partnerships may include campus public safety offices, student health and wellness programs, city/county public safety agencies, injury prevention agencies, parking and transportation services, transit agencies, and student groups.

This countermeasure has not been systematically examined. There is insufficient evaluation data available to conclude that the countermeasure is effective. The results of a survey conducted as part of a campaign provide insight into the issues that could be addressed through a campaign, as well as through engineering improvements (Johns Hopkins Center for Injury Research and Policy, 2015; Pollack et al., 2014).