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AAA. (2022). Teen driver safety. [Web page].

AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety. (2014). Violations and enforcement of graduated driver licensing restrictions in North Carolina and Washington State.

Alderman, E. M., & Johnston, B. D. (2018). The teen driver. Pediatrics142(4), e20182163.

American Association of Motor Vehicle Administrators. (2019). Guidelines for testing drivers in vehicles with advanced driver assistance systems.

Baker, S. P., Chen, L-H., & Li, G. (2007). Nationwide review of graduated driver licensing. AAA Foundation.

Beanland, V., Goode, N., Salmon, P. M., & Lenné, M. G. (2013). Is there a case for driver training? A review of the efficacy of pre- and post-license driver training. Safety Science, 51(1), 127-137.

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Borowsky, A., Shinar, D., & Oron-Gilad, T. (2010). Age, skill, and hazard perception in driving. Accident Analysis & Prevention, 42(4), 1240–1249.

Carney, C., Harland, K. K., & McGehee, D. V. (2016). Using event-triggered naturalistic data to examine the prevalence of teen driver distractions in rear-end crashes. Journal of Safety Research57, 47-52.

Carney, C., McGehee, D. V., Lee, J. D., Reyes, M. L., & Raby, M. (2010). Using an event- triggered video intervention system to expand the supervised learning of newly licensed adolescent drivers. American Journal of Public Health, 100(6), 1101-1106.

Carpenter, D., & Pressley, J. C. (2013). Graduated driver license nighttime compliance in U.S. teen drivers involved in fatal motor vehicle crashes. Accident Analysis & Prevention, 56, 110-117.

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Compton, R. P., & Ellison-Potter, P. (2008). Teen driver crashes: A report to Congress (Report No. DOT HS 811 005). National Highway Traffic Safety Administration.

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Curry, A. E., Pfeiffer, M. R., Elliott, M. R., & Durbin, D. R. (2015). Association between New Jersey's graduated driver licensing decal provision and crash rates of young drivers with learners' permits. Injury Prevention21(6), 421-423.

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Ehsani, J. P., Bingham, C. R., & Shope, J. T. (2013). The effect of the learner license graduated driver licensing components on teen drivers’ crashes. Accident Analysis & Prevention, 59, 327-336.

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