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Agimi, Y., Albert, S. M., Youk, A. O., Documet, P. I., & Steiner, C. A. (2018). Mandatory physician reporting of at-risk drivers: The older driver example. The Gerontologist, 58(3), 578–587

Anstey, K. J., Eramudugolla, R., Kiely, K. M., & Price, J. (2018). Effect of tailored on-road driving lessons on driving safety in older adults: A randomised controlled trial. Accident Analysis & Prevention, 115, 1–10.

Bédard, M., Porter, M. M., Marshall, S., Isherwood, I., Riendeau, J., Weaver, B., Tuokko, H., Molnar, F., & Miller-Polgar, J. (2008). The combination of two training approaches to improve older adults’ driving safety. Traffic Injury Prevention, 9(1), 70-76.

Bohensky, M., Charlton, J., Odell, M., & Keefe, J. (2008). Implications of vision testing for older driver licensing. Traffic Injury Prevention, 9(4), 304-313.

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Cicchino, J. B., & McCartt, A. T. (2015). Critical older driver errors in a national sample of serious U.S. crashes. Accident Analysis & Prevention80, 211-219.

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Eby, D. W., Molnar, L. J., Zakrajsek, J. S., Ryan, L. H., Zanier, N., Louis, R. M. S., Stanciu, S. C., LeBlanc, D., Kostyniuk, L. P., Smith, J., Yung, R., Nyquist, L., DiGuiseppi, C., Li, G., Mielenz, T. J., Strogatz, D., & LongROAD Research Team. (2018). Prevalence, attitudes, and knowledge of in-vehicle technologies and vehicle adaptations among older drivers. Accident Analysis & Prevention, 113, 54–62.

Edwards, J. D., Leonard, K. M., Lunsman, M., Dodson, J., Bradley, S., Myers, C. A., & Hubble, B. (2008). Acceptability and validity of older driver screening with the DrivingHealth Driving Health Inventory. Accident Analysis & Prevention, 40(3), 1157-1163.

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