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Older driver safety is a complex topic that cannot be adequately measured by fatal crash rates alone. Because older drivers reduce or stop driving as they age, even while continuing to hold onto their licenses, crash rates per licensed driver do not tell the complete story. Crash rates per vehicle mile traveled better account for drivers who are no longer driving or limiting driving, but it can overstate the risk as older drivers tend to stick to more local roads, which have higher crash rates overall compared to limited access highways and freeways. Using crash rates per vehicle mile traveled in conjunction with crash rates per licensed driver allows SHSOs to better target countermeasures appropriately. Given that older adults are more likely to be fatally injured in crashes as a result of increased fragility and that the proportion of the U.S. population over 65 will continue to grow in the coming years, it is important to consider both older passengers and older pedestrians in addition to older drivers when designing safety programs. Focusing too heavily on older drivers alone fails to account for the inherent safety risks that older Americans face as they shift from the role of drivers to that of passengers and pedestrians. For more information on pedestrian countermeasures, see the Chapter on Pedestrian Safety.